

Panama Papers – road to fame and fortune

Until last week, most people thought that Panama marooned with Manuel Noriega. Alas, some countries have an uncanny way of reinventing themselves. So,

This Zuma must not fall

See how they are forcing their dirty hands into my zipped mouth! Should I take it kindly when countries that gained flag independence yesterday conten

Finally corn don land

Happy New Year peeps. Of course I know it’s not January 1 but what does it matter. As long as you are not an evil servant working for any of the

Naija and the backdoor recruitment scam

Things would be better if we all accept our place in the scheme of things and stop struggling to be what we were not meant to be. A man delivered with

Ocholi, Abubakar and Naija’s harvest of needless deaths

Those who describe insanity as doing the same things over and expecting different results are not Naija. Wise people learn from their mistakes or the