

When a stone is worth 50 lives or more

Many years ago, I missed the only opportunity to become a real man. Yes, I was circumcised on the eighth day as prescribed by the village dispenser an

The enviable league of looters

Naija people love football, and to proof it everyday someone dies proving their love for the game – and am not exaggerating. This has nothing to

An apology to Sinnator ibn Na’Allah

I guess I knew they would drive him to the edge sooner than later, and they finally did. The wicked, that is. Never toy with a ranking sinnator and Ba

Wanted, a factory that makes change

With a phobia for flying, I have nothing but admiration for my president’s love of jets. And to prove it, we are said to have eleven luxury pres

Emergency sicknesses and the de-goatification process

Of late, I have been doing a national research into sleep deprivation and may soon release my findings on how they affect the de-goatification process