

Yes, corruption is fighting us

Usually at UN functions, many are called but few are chosen. For instance, Stephen Harper, the Canadian prime minister, was in New York but chose to d

NEPA and the parable of many knives

Questions, questions and more questions prodded by our uncanny record that government owned corporations fail but thrive, albeit momentarily in the ma

Blame PC

What we need to know is that the IG has mustered the political courage to arrest the monster called Political Conflict, a.k.a. PC and that he won’t mi

the effects of absolute freedom

It is painful that people deliberately stoke others into violence. No man in his right mind would tolerate blasphemy against his religious icon. The P

A prayer for the first spouse

Having made that initial remark, I advice the good people of Naija not to believe everything they read or hear., especially if it is ‘they’ that are s