

Jonathan’s jungle diplomacy

Successive governments including this one continues to ignore the disparity and to show that it does not warrant the trust that Nigerians reposed in i

Wikileaks – To publish or not to publish

Anybody who has ever had lunch, tea/coffee or dinner with a western diplomat knows that they do it more for the purposes of picking brains than for an

Nigeria, lessons from 9/11

For instance, Nigeria is several air miles from America, and has only used its giant influence and military might to secure peace in Africa and other

I want my country back

He was carrying a passport, a Nigerian passport, neither faked nor forged. He could have been a silent achiever like Jelani Aliyu or become the first

Lessons from the Ramadan feeding

It’s a different thing that such officials go ahead to abuse their oath of office and allegiance by engaging in blatant acts of corruption which would