Wednesday Column

Wednesday Column

Ese Oruru: A post-script

If you want to know the end, look at the beginning – African proverb   A little over four years ago, I wrote the material below in this pap

Other matters

The sun does not forget a village because it is small  – African proverb At this stage, the most damaging effect of the pandemic (or its collate

Leading through crises

Nothing is so simple that it cannot be misunderstood – Albert Einstein   Crises test leaders in more ways than most are prepared for. Those

Now that we’ve lost our heads

If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, you probably don’t understand the problem. – Jean Kerr There will be a few peopl

Now, where was I?

If you don’t raise your eyes, you’ll think you’re at the highest point–Antonio Porchia   The last time I wrote on this page was in February