Wednesday Column

Wednesday Column

The limits of indecency

If you thought our collective standards of decency and propriety cannot possibly be made worse, the spectacle the nation witnessed last week at the Ho

Amodu Aruwa: a Titan at 80

Mr Amodu Aruwa, an elder in his church and in his community in Kogi State,   may not be one of those whose names ring a bell loudly today across all s

Public conduct and morality question

In January 1970, fifty years ago, the unfortunate Nigerian civil war came to an end. Every January 15 since then has been set aside to mark the Armed

No end yet to the killings

At the height of the bloody clash between the peripatetic  cattle herdsmen and farmers in 2018, I wrote in my column of June 27 of  that year and said

Tug of religious war

Predictably, the listing of Nigeria by US State Department among countries with “severe violation of religious freedom” has sparked off the near dorma