Wednesday Column

Wednesday Column

What if there was no Al Jazeera?

Imagine living in a world where you only hear one side of the story. A world where the media is controlled by a few powerful interests that dictate wh

Little Bolivia leads the world

The current Israeli war of annihilation in Palestine, is daily showing up heroes and villains on the global scene.  Most Western leaders, led by Joe B

The highs and lows of Tinubunomics

We found out that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu was very serious about our economy, the very moment he was sworn in on May 29th this year.  The unscript

With a brother like Egypt…

The tragedy unfolding in Gaza, in the form of unprecedented Israeli aggression, has drawn worldwide condemnation amongst people of conscience all over

The only certificate we seek

“It is not genius, nor glory, nor love that reflects the greatness of the human heart; it is kindness.” –Henri-Dominique Larcordaire, 19th century Fre