Wednesday Column

Wednesday Column

In the injury time

If President Muhammadu Buhari, candidate of the All Progressives Party, APC were to be the captain of a football team battling to score the winning go

A fate worse than death

One of those cruel and dramatic ironies of life is playing out with all the tell-tale signs of foreboding – a surreal spectacle full of anxiety

The Kemi Adeosun saga

That Kemi Adeosun finally bowed to pressure and resigned as minister of finance last week is not something for her admirers to crow about. She deserve

The Lawal Daura saga

Lawal Daura, like the fictional spy who came in from the cold, is back in the cold, where, I am told, he is cooling his feet. Courtesy of Professor Ye

An Imam’s heroic example

Nghar Yelwa may not sound like a familiar name. It is one of those obscure Nigerian settlements which, try as much as you can, you may not locate it o