Weekend Mag

Weekend Mag

Alleged negligence: Family accuses National Hospital of killing son

On the evening of January 23, a 200-level student knocked down by a car was rushed to the National Hospital’s Trauma Centre, Abuja. Some 72 hours late

What Buhari should do before Kannywood collapses – Kamal Alkali

Kamal S. Alkali is a Kannywood director and script-writer; he is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Kamal Films International. In an interview with

‘Broken-hearted, but not broken’: NZ mourns mosque dead

Nationwide silence, Muslim call to prayer observed a week after 50 people were shot dead in mosque attacks. A nationwide moment of silence was observe

Pakistani expat family mourns with pride

Naeem Rasheed and his son, Talha, were among 50 people killed in attacks on Al Noor and Linwood mosques last week. T he question caught Ambreen Naeem

Checking husband’s phone is one reason why marriages fail – Mansurah Isah

Mansurah Isah is a former Kannywood actress. She is married to one of the foremost names in the industry, Sani Danja. In this interview, she spoke on