Weekend Mag

Weekend Mag

SSDA Prize calls for entries

Short Story Day Africa (SSDA) has opened submission for its 2017 Short Story Day Africa Prize. The winner will receive $800, the runner-up $200 and th

Dr Aminu Bakari: Tribute to a humble doctor

I was introduced to him by my friend and brother Inuwa Abdulkadir during a discussion on my most recent health challenge of prolonged dazing spells of

Filth, stench, bribery and corruption at Nigerian mortuaries and cemeteries

No insecticide, air freshener at Ogun General Hospital  This world is not my home I’m just a-passing through My treasures are laid up Somew

Filth, stench,bribery and corruption at Nigerian mortuaries and cemeteries

 “Can you touch it? Try. Touch it.” “No, I can’t touch a corpse, sir.” “Why?” the mortuary attendant, a

Why I sing R&B in Hausa – Mufida Adam

Ibrahim Musa Giginyu, Kano Weekend Magazine: How did you start your music career? Mufida Adam: I started having interest in music when I was a kid of