Weekend Mag

Weekend Mag

Memories of youthful talents in Indonesia

International youth conferences, both in Africa and other continents, are usually great opportunities for talented and intelligent youths to showcase

Meet Nigeria’s videogame-creating wizkids

Two heavily muscled warriors, each wielding an axe, fight to the finish. It’s a battle of gods and demons. But they are not just any gods, they

Meet Kano’s twin rappers

Weekend Magazine: What kind of music do you do? Latifat: As an artist I do R&B and hip-pop. I am a level two student of biochemistry at BUK. We ar

A tale of Ugandan civil wars survivor as ICJ jurist

The 15-minute promenade from the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in Churchillplein under the chilling temperature of

Images of Nigeria, vividly etched into my head – Femi

Weekend Magazine: This year you were awarded the first Young People’s Laureate for London. Did you see it coming?   Caleb Femi:Yes, because