Weekend Mag

Weekend Mag

What Elechi Amadi means to Nigerian writers

That’s how it gets out these days, the final goodbye from legends, a simple tweet, a two hundred-word post or a few lines of breaking news onlin

Why I’m called ‘Queen of Soft Rock’ – Zainab Sule

Weekend Magazine: You are called the Queen of Soft Rock. How did you come to be nicknamed so? Zainab Sule: Some people think I named myself so. In fac

Things to do if you’re in Katsina this weekend

Katsina is an ancient town with rich culture and historical background. Its mix of traditional setting and western influenced environment makes the st

In showbiz, you’re relevant if people hate you – Helen Paul

Helen Paul is one of the most popular stand-up comediennes in Nigeria, as well as co- presenter of hit variety TV show ‘Jara’ on Africa Ma

7 ways to add a fun twist to Ramadan

Ramadan is a season that comes every year and we all strive to make each year a memorable one. The period is usually a festive one, though it was seco