Weekend Mag

Weekend Mag

Having a famous sister helped me in Kannywood –Maryam Isa

Weekend Magazine: Famous actress Mansura Isa is your sister. Did she inspire you to become an actress, too? Maryam Isa: Since when I was a teenager, I

Mayanka Falls: Suleja’s ancient execution valley

From the Palace of the Sarkin Zazzau (Suleja), just about a mile will take you to the Mayanka Falls on the outskirts of the town; but just a few resid

Reminiscences: With Mallam Adamu Ciroma

At 82 years, what has been the joy? What are the challenges? At 82, if you were like me, you probably would have retired from whatever active particip

I’ll never stop singing – Esse Agesse

Her song, ‘Back to the Basics,’ ruled the airwaves back in the 1990s. Esse Agesse dared to be a pop singer when most of her peers took to

Dawanau: The Story of Africa’s Largest Grain Market

The market which today is the hub of grains and seeds trading across the world ,was started by Alhaji Uba Ahmad in 1985 after he lost  40 shops o