Within the Nation

Within the Nation

Imperatives of consultation in a change regime

Last week in this column, the piece I wrote when the first set of ministerial nominees was submitted to senate for screening was published. The tittle

The furore about the ‘list’

Nigerians had until September 30th waited patiently and in several cases impatiently for the release of the list of those who will be ministers in the

Change and democracy: Challenge of combatting corruption in Nigeria (II)

The visible involvement of people in high places in matters of corruption was seen clearly in the manner the anti-corruption agencies were tailored to

Change and Democracy: Challenge of combatting corruption in Nigeria

I decided to adjust the topic from ‘Democratic Change: The challenges of Combatting Corruption in Nigeria’ to ‘Change and Democracy:

Worries about change and Nigeria

Recent events unfolding in the polity are worrisome, not because the government is geared at fighting corruption which is plausible, but the seeming r