

Why aren’t some men excited by female kids?

Mrs Adewunmmi Ojo (not real name), a mother of four girls, narrates her experience thus: “After being nervous about taking a gender test because my fa

Do marriages get better over time?

While on a trip where we met with a group of women from various backgrounds, a question was raised by a participant of a conference focused on raising

Why we should all be feminists

Delving further, I found out that Waangari Maathai, the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize was divorced by her ex-husband because she wa

Facing cancer, that most vile terrorist

It is a terminal disease which spreads around the body when not quickly detected and properly controlled. Due to its severity, it could lead to death.

How do you handle prying in-laws?

Onome has been married for two years and since her marriage she has known no peace. “I love my husband and he is a very good man but sometimes, if not