

Who are you impressing?

Many husbands show their best sides to people outside the home, whereas they are entirely different when they are at homes with their families, but wh

Sticking to positive comparison

“He always compares me to other women. He fails to understand that his comparisons hurt me more than anything. I am human and can never be like any ot

What it cost to be that dedicated husband

Dear son, you will not attain good fortune in your home except by 10 characteristics which you show to your wife, so remember them and be enthusiastic

Extinguishing the fire of anger within

We all get angry once in a while at some point in our lives. But what makes or drives most of us to a point of destroying everything on our path and e

Enjoying married life the halal way

Their bedroom still emanates a whiff of fragrance of wilting roses still majestic in their ‘faded glory’.The customary blushes, shyness, nervousness a