

Taming the jealous heart

Last week, the news of the demise of a former reporter with the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN), Kaduna National Station and legislative a

Make the best of what life offers you

“If life gives you a lemon, make lemonade” goes a wise old adage. Often times, when problems arise and we are in the midst of it, we become pre-occupi

What wives think about mother in-laws

The talk of mother in-laws gets most wives agitated. There is always this imaginary rivalry between the two most important women in the life of the hu

When is the right time for marriage?

When I visited Lokoja, the capital of Kogi State last week, there was heavy traffic on the road. I was later to learn that the gridlock was as a resul

When women perpetrate domestic violence

Women seem to be doing virtually everything that men do these days and they seem to be doing it better than the men from being doctors to teachers, la