

Why kids need to do house chores

According to a research, parents are now reluctant to ask children to do household tasks. And when they do, it is only limited to trivial responsibili

The home front or your career

Most times most people are faced with the choice of career or the home. This is mostly difficult for the women folk who have to deal with the home fro

Where to draw the line for motherhood

As far as raising children is concerned, there can be no perfection, just as there can be no single approach to it. Perfection, as we all know, can’t

When women become obsessed with beauty

Why do women spend their time and resources just to look ‘beautiful’? The beauty craze amongst women has taken a different dimension just like men see

Look not for others’ shortcomings

According to a famous quote by an unknown author, “Nobody is perfect and everybody has flaws, but it takes a real man and a real woman to look past th