

Leaving a befitting legacy for our children

According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and World Health Organisation (WHO), a child can be defined as a person within the ages of 0-

Imbibing the spirit of Ramadan in kids

Ramadan is here and it is the month of rahama (forgiveness), we all must use this opportunity to ask for forgiveness and change our negative ways of l

Why commitment should matter in your marriage

Another definition is that “commitment is a relationship that is the act of giving yourself, in whole, to the other person and the relationship. Stayi

When snooping gets out of control

Women are naturally curious and when they get married their curiosity equally doubles – or in some cases triples. In doing this also, these women tend

The good, bad and ugly of nagging

Most times we find ourselves complaining about circumstances that surround or happened to us. The big question is: how often do we complain or nag as