

How ready are we for the inevitable?

One thing that is certain for every person that is born is the fact that he or she will die one day. But how prepared are we for this eventuality that

Learning to see light, differently: A review

The book sets its purview straightaway with the admission that it is a continuation of that for which past and present reformers have struggled; that

Why women should kiss laziness goodbye

Shehu Aliyu, a businessman, says it is very important for a woman not be lazy.  “I have seen the havoc laziness can cause in a home. Every woman needs

Beauty is never in exposure

In Nigeria, there have been attempts by our lawmakers and some individuals to regulate dressing in public. Indeed, a bill on indecent dressing was spo

Forgiveness as a balm to our wounds

It is often said that “to err is human and to forgive is divine”, “to forgive means to let go of wrongs, offence done against you at one time or the o