

Giving second chances a chance

The problem is the way most couples easily give up and throw in the towel and opt for a divorce.  This will definitely not solve the problem instead i

How to handle changes of life

Change is something that is inevitable in our lives. Many of us must come face to face with many challenging moments we never really anticipated will

Which side of the ‘pride divide’ do you belong?

Feeling that you are above other people and far better than they are in all ramifications is a kind of cheap way of building self-esteem.  “The concep

When to compromise in a relationship

When a husband and wife or close friends are both strong-willed, it would be challenging reaching a compromise. Taking decisions would become a proble

Overcoming jealousy’s toxin

Many of us have experienced that tormenting obsession called jealousy; in fact, most people have a problem overcoming jealousy; sort of becoming incur