

Surprisingly easy ways to build your self-esteem

What do you like about yourself? Are you proud of yourself? If you can’t answer these questions then the chances are that you have a problem of self-e

Working moms’ kids turn out fine, 50 years of research says

The research, which appears in the Psychological Bulletin, a peer-reviewed publication of the American Psychological Association, looked at 69 studies

Just how many kids should you have?

It’s amazing how many women troop to hospitals these days all in the effort to terminate unwanted pregnancies. “We are only agents by the Almighty, we

Buried in pomposity

How would you feel if you wanted to talk to someone and the person just snubbed you as if you never existed and made you feel that you were below his

The isle of denial

When you are in a state of denial in life, it means you are not being realistic about happenings in your life, especially something that may be obviou