

When trust is lost!

Not all trust once broken can be rebuilt as some experiences had proven, but you can regain lost trust if you really put your heart to it, you must, h

Would you rather be the other woman?

I don’t know where to classify myself anymore, because my life has taken many turns since I became involved with this man. Being the other woman was e

I wish I were married to someone else!

Incidentally, some days later, a friend of mine complained that she is fed up with her marriage and wished she is married to someone else. She said sh

Keeping hope alive in childless marriage

Life has been very unbearable as my in-laws have made it very frustrating due to my inability to have a child after six years of marriage. My husband

Marrying for the wrong reason

In some instances, it is believed that no one is really in love at the time of marriage, as it is believed that the real love starts after the marriag