

Life is not just about regrets!

There are many women who find themselves in this situation when they feel they have been hurt by their husband and get angry to the point that they re

Are you a chief complainant?

Most times in our lives we find ourselves complaining about certain circumstances that we find ourselves in but the big question is how often do we co

The power of appreciation

And believe me, 20 per cent looks really good when you are not getting it at all in your current relationship.  But the problem is that you will alway

Are you attached to your ego?

Though it is not that easy to understand what your ego is and who your true self is, but one thing we need to understand is that your ego is not the r

Taking the hand of your enemy

Are you one that easily hold on to resentment and carry anger in your heart against others? If you have problem forgiving major and minor offences the