

How can we discipline our children effectively?

Every parent wants their children to be happy, respectful, respected by others, and able to find their place in the world as well-behaved adults, but

What does commitment cost in a marriage?

How serious do couples take commitment to their relationship? Most couples forget that commitment is an important ingredient to the success of the mar

How frequent change of nannies affects children

Children are very smart and sensitive to changes around them. Have we as mothers sat to look at the kind and number of nannies we introduce into our c

Is social media ruining your emotional life?

Facebook, a very active aspect of social media, has almost everyone involved one way or the other. It is one platform where we meet lots of friends on

Is distance the way out of marital problems?

“Each time we have a serious misunderstanding, he asks me to leave his room. I will leave but return anytime I notice he is no longer angry.  He has r