Women In Business

Women In Business

Women got N100m loans from Biz Development Fund in 2 yrs

Female entrepreneurs accessed a total of N100.15 million between 2014 and 2015 from the Business Development Fund for Women instituted by the Federal

Lack of electricity hampers women in poultry biz

“One of the challenges we face in this business is lack of power supply. When you slay your broilers/chicken after rearing them for 12 weeks and

What you need to start a baking business at home

• Baking Equipment – Among them include, the mixer and mixing accessories. Then you will need a machine that can help you crimp, fold, trim

‘I switched from banking to event planning’

Oluwadamilola Olugboji, CEO of Events by DMK left her job as a banker years ago to become an event planner. “I switched from banking to event pl

My Start-Up story: ‘I started the Fashion Academy from my son’s bedroom’ — Nina Kwande

Nina Yusuf Kwande started Abuja Fashion Academy from her son’s bedroom. With two sewing machines and five students she kicked-off five years ago