Women In Business

Women In Business

Tips on how to promote positive work environment

Service delivery businesses like tailoring, hairdressing, food catering or vendors need a positive work environment to thrive because this affects the

Rose Ojochide Akoh: Woman entrepreneur of the week

Thirty-five-year-old entrepreneur, Rose Akoh, recently launched her local spice brand, Chide’s Spice (powdered Okpehe – Prosopis Africana). The

NGO trains women in IDP camp on business skills

Over 100 women at the Durumi Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camp have been trained in simple business skills and capacity to enable them to be se

Union Bank secures $200m funding for SMEs, women’s initiatives

Union Bank of Nigeria Plc has secured $200 million in funding through a partnership with Sub-Saharan Africa financial services group, Atlas Mara Limit

PPPs: Stakeholders advocate women inclusiveness in design, execution

Stakeholders have advocated women inclusiveness in the designs and implementation of public infrastructure to empower women and also enhance their opt