Women In Business

Women In Business

Business: women gaining grounds through business promotion

In an era where women participation is gaining grounds, lot of women now aspire to thrive in their business like the male counterparts. A lot of them

Five start-up tips

It’s not uncommon for women to face unique challenges, especially when trying to juggle traditional roles of wife and mother with the demands of

Why financial institutions should give women in business loans – Experts

The increasing number of women embracing entrepreneurship while defying the odds in Nigeria is encouraging. According to the National Bureau of Statis

NNEW summit to promote women entrepreneurship

The NECA’s Network of Entrepreneurial Women (NNEW) summit is geared towards promoting women entrepreneurship in Nigeria, the chairperson, Abuja

Do you know about GEEP?

The Government Enterprise and Empowerment Programme (GEEP) is one of the social intervention programmes of the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN), ex