Women In Business

Women In Business

Conventional schooling no solution to unemployment – Bishop

Women have been advised to monitor their children and wards to identify their God-given potentials so as to properly channel their minds  early i

How women handle competition in a wide market

Small and Medium Enterprises are constantly faced with a challenge – dealing with big competitors. While some get threatened and give up, some t

Why I turned my passion into business

Rebecca Garba is the brain behind Ladybird Creation. She resigned her job to go into fashion design fulltime and has no regrets. The graduate of Indus

4 Tips on how to promote positive work environment

Service deliveries businesses like tailoring, hairdressing, food catering or vendors need a positive work environment to thrive because this either af

Too many graduates, less jobs: we need self employment – Lilian Akwuchi

Lilian Akwuchi has a passion for social work, proffering and providing solutions to the problems faced by the society. The Social Studies education gr