Women In Business

Women In Business

7000 benefits from marketmoni loans in Ogun

Micro credit disbursement by the Bank of Industry (BOI) under the Federal Government’s Government Enterprise and Empowerment Programme (GEEP) in

Solution for funding challenges faced by women entrepreneurs

Ugwunna Ehi Comfort almost lost hope when she wanted to start a school in 2004 due to lack of funds. All efforts to get a loan from development and co

We have captured about 40,000 women entrepreneurs in Borno State alone -AWEP

Over 40,000 women entrepreneurs have been captured in Borno State by the African Women Entrepreneurship Program (AWEP) under its Nigerian Green Gold P

‘I have no regret dumping master’s degree for trading’

Hajiya Bishiriyya Sagir Garba is the CEO of Party Things World business ventures; a mother, graduate of Computer Science and also holder of a master&r

Financial advice for new business owners

To be a successful business owner, there are basic financial, accounting and legal principles to abide by. That will help your business to stabilise o