Young Trusters

Young Trusters

The shepherd’s boy

There was once a young shepherd boy who tended his sheep at the foot of a mountain near a dark forest. It was rather lonely for him all day, so he tho

The wolf and the lamb

We have an interesting story today that teaches to be weary of slimy people who will use any excuse to get at us. Once upon a time a wolf was lapping

The fox, the cock, and the dog

One moonlight night a fox was prowling about a farmer’s hen-coop, and saw a cock roosting high up beyond his reach. “Good news, good news!

The man and the satyr

Welcome to the month of March. I’m sure it’s been a great year so far and I wish you the best. Love,   A Man had lost his way in a wo

The lion and the mouse

  Once when a lion was asleep a little mouse began running up and down upon him; this soon wakened the lion, who placed his huge paw upon him, an