Young Trusters

Young Trusters

The wind and the sun

 The Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger. Suddenly they saw a traveller coming down the road, and the Sun said: “I see a

The peacock and juno

A peacock once placed a petition before a juno desiring to have the voice of a nightingale in addition to his other attractions; but juno refused his

The hares and the frogs

The hares were so persecuted by the other beasts, they did not know where to go. As soon as they saw a single animal approach them, off they used to r

Meet 8-year-old swimmer who dazzled at NAFEST

Eight-year-old Divine Momoh stole the show penultimate Friday when she opened the First Open Water Sports Boat Race showing off her swimming skills at

Kaduna pupils mark Independence smiling, in style

Kaduna International School (KIS) celebrated Nigeria’s 56th Independence Day in grand style. Students connected with their history as they showc