

Maltina teacher contest entry closes June

She stated that the first runner-up would receive N1m, second runner-up N750,000, while all state champions would be rewarded with N500,000 each.

Coca-Cola donates computers to 30 schools

Each beneficiary school was presented with a mini-content production suite consisting of a computer, a PC external speaker, a headset and a microphone

Nigerian brand influencer, Oyubu to be honoured in Ghana

Nigerian brand influencer and social media manager, Jennifer Etito Oyubu, has been nominated to receive the Most Promising Brand Influencer in West Af

Empathy vital to being a good doctor – Dr Safiya Tanko

At the time I made the decision to study medicine, I was too young and naïve to decide what I really wanted to do with my life. As a teenager, what di

Nigeria unveils plagiarism detection software

Nigeria has unveiled a plagiarism detection software named EagleScan, being the first of such to locally tackle issues of intellectual theft across hi