Towards achieving Hajjul Mabrur (I)

The pilgrims should work hard to achieve Hajjul Mabrur or else all the resources and efforts invested will be a colossal waste.  It must be performed as the Prophet (PBUH)  taught. “You should take (learn) your Hajj rites from me for I do not know, perhaps I will not perform another Hajj after this one.’ […]

Towards achieving Hajjul Mabrur (I)
Towards achieving Hajjul Mabrur (I)

The pilgrims should work hard to achieve Hajjul Mabrur or else all the resources and efforts invested will be a colossal waste.  
It must be performed as the Prophet (PBUH)  taught. “You should take (learn) your Hajj rites from me for I do not know, perhaps I will not perform another Hajj after this one.’ Imam Muslim. It must also be observed with fear of Allah and sincerity.
And perform properly (i.e all the ceremonies according to the ways of Prophet Muhammad PBUH) the Hajj and Umrah (i.e the pilgrimage to Makkah) for Allah. 2:196.
For Hajj are the months well known. If anyone undertakes that duty therein, let there be no obscenity, nor wickedness, nor wrangling in the Hajj. And whatever good ye do (be sure) Allah knoweth it. And take a provision (with you) for the journey, but the best of provisions is right conduct. So fear me o ye men of understanding. Q 2:197
In many Ahadith, the Prophet (PBUH) explains the concepts of Hajjul Mabrur: On the authority of Abu Hurairah, the Prophet (PBUH) said: Whosoever performs Hajj to this House (Ka’abah) without having sexual relations, nor committing atrocities,then such will come out of his sin like the day his mother born him. (Imam Bukhari). In another sound Hadith related by Imam Bukhari and Muslim the Prophet (PBUH) says: Hajjul Mabrur (complete and free of sin) can only be rewarded with paradise.
For a pilgrim to achieve Hajjul Mabrur there is need for him or her to make preparations and acquire certain information and knowledge on Hajj and Hajj operation by liaising with the relevant authorities. This preparation are as follows:
Seeking knowledge: Knowledge is necessary in any act of Islamic worship. The Prophet (PBUH) says: Seeking for knowledge is compulsory upon every Muslim man and woman… For a pilgrim to perform Hajjul Mabrur, he or she must seek for both the theoretical and practical knowledge of Hajj and Saudi rules and regulations. This is possible through private learning and attending enlightenment programmes. To learn, the pilgrims should be open-minded and willing to ask questions all the time on whatever is not clear. Pilgrims should avoid any form of innovation by learning the prophetic practices in Hajj.
Practical: Mental knowledge alone cannot bring Hajjul Mabrur until it is applied. The practical aspects of Hajj such as Tawaf, Sa’ay, Muna, Arafah, and Muzdalifa and Jamrat are the major aspects of Hajj, without which the Hajj cannot be Mabrur.They must be carried out according to the teaching of the Prophet (PBUH).
Spritual: In addition to comprehensive knowledge, fear of Allah is the main condition of attaining Hajjul Mabrur. The pilgrim has to prepare his mind by boosting his spirit through prayers, repentance and seeking for Allah’s forgiveness and pleasure and engage in virtuous activities. For guidance from Allah, two rakaats of prayer should be performed before departure.
Prayer or supplication is indeed a means to achieve Hajjul Mabrur when the Hajj is conducted according to the teaching of the Prophet (PBUH). This can also be noted in the following verses: “And when my servants question thee concerning me, then surely I am near. I answer the prayers of the supplicant when he cries unto me. So let them have faith in me in order that they may be led a right.” Q2:186. “And your Lord hath said: Pray unto me and I will hear your prayer. Lo! Those who scorn my service they will enter hell disgraced…” Q 40:60.
On the authority of Ibn Abbas, the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) says: The best weapon a believer has is patience and invocation….Addailami
Financial: The source of money for Hajj must be pure or legal. This standard criterion, like others should not be compromised or it will mean waste of time and resources as the Hajj will not be accepted. This is so in many verses of the Qur’an and Ahadith.
Allah the most high says:…Whoever expects to meet his Lord let him work righteousness, and in the worship of his Lord admit no one as partner…Q18:110.
Also, the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) in a Hadith related by Imam Muslim, says: Allah is pure and does not accept anything except a pure one (thing, sacrifice, act of Ibadah).
For Hajj to be Mabrur, the money used in undertaking the journey must be legal and must be earned from legal sources.
Health, medical preparations: Medical tests and screening are important measures in ensuring that the pilgrims perform Hajj in a very good condition of health. The medical screening may also reveal any latent psychological problem for proper advice to the pilgrims.
Interpersonal and social relations: Hajj brings different kinds of people together, with different economic, social, educational and financial backgrounds. The pilgrims need to prepare to meet different elements and behave well. This is underscored in a Hadith related by Bukhari and Muslim, where the Prophet (PBUH) says: The best amongst you are those who have the best character, and: The best person is the one who has the best character.” (Atthabraani).You should as a pilgrim: Fear Allah wherever you are and follow evil with goodness; it will wipe it and mix with people with good manners..