Traditional beliefs and gender-based violence

Traditional beliefs and practices around gender and marriage are a leading cause of gender-based violence (GBV) and domestic violence. In many cultures, women are seen as subordinate to men, and are expected to obey their husbands and accept their authority. They can also lead to a lack of respect for women’s rights, which can manifest […]

Traditional beliefs and gender-based violence

Stop Gender-based Violence

Traditional beliefs and practices around gender and marriage are a leading cause of gender-based violence (GBV) and domestic violence. In many cultures, women are seen as subordinate to men, and are expected to obey their husbands and accept their authority. They can also lead to a lack of respect for women’s rights, which can manifest in abusive behaviour and a feeling of helplessness and entrapment for the wife.

The fundamental cause of gender-based violence that leads to domestic violence is stereotypes and discrimination which can normalise violence against women and girls and perpetuate the belief that it is acceptable. Additionally, cultural practices can perpetuate violence against women by sanctioning or even encouraging it. All of these factors can create a cycle of violence in which women and girls are trapped and unable to escape.

Even girls who can attend school and graduate, may still face pressure from their families and communities to get married. If they do not find a partner, their families may resort to arranged marriages, in which the girl is given little or no choice in who she marries. This can be a very difficult and oppressive situation for girls, who may feel trapped by the expectations of their families and communities.

However, there are a number of reasons why women may be the target of domestic violence by their spouses. Stubbornness or aggression on the part of the woman is not a direct cause of domestic violence, but it may be a factor that contributes to conflict in the relationship that leads to domestic violence.

While it’s true that some men may believe that the only way to correct their wives is through physical violence, this is an outdated and harmful mindset. It is never acceptable to use violence to control or punish someone else, and it can have lasting effects on the victim.

It’s also important to remember that not all women feel safe leaving their partners, even if they are being abused. Some women stay in abusive relationships due to financial dependence, fear of cultural backlash, or concern for the welfare of their children. These factors make it difficult for women to leave, and they may feel that they have no other choice but to tolerate the abuse.

Some of the possible solutions toward this include: First, it’s important to educate people about healthy relationships and to challenge traditional gender roles and stereotypes. Second, it’s essential to have strong laws and policies in place to protect victims of violence and to punish perpetrators. Third, access to economic opportunities and financial independence can help women leave abusive relationships. Finally, social support for victims of violence is vital to help them heal and rebuild their lives.


Fadeela Mustapha Lawan wrote from Department of Mass Communication, Borno State University

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