Transparency remains a major challenge in Nigeria – Founder of MonitNG, Ilevbaoje

Uadamen Ilevbaoje is the Founder and CEO of Monitng, a civic tech organisation committed to holding government accountable. In this interview, the ex-banker explains why it’s important for citizens to hold government representatives accountable.   Can you share the inspiration behind founding MonitNG and the specific problem it aims to address? My name is Uadamen […]

Transparency remains a major challenge in Nigeria – Founder of MonitNG, Ilevbaoje


Uadamen Ilevbaoje is the Founder and CEO of Monitng, a civic tech organisation committed to holding government accountable. In this interview, the ex-banker explains why it’s important for citizens to hold government representatives accountable.


Can you share the inspiration behind founding MonitNG and the specific problem it aims to address?

My name is Uadamen Ilevbaoje I am the Founder and CEO of Monitng,( a pioneering civic technology company, and a Tech Nation Global Talent Visa endorsee. I am committed to providing citizens with information, fostering transparency and accountability in governance, and encouraging civic engagement. My experience in civic technology spans more than ten years, and I have consistently used technology to bridge the gap between citizens and governmental institutions, enacting significant reforms at all levels
MonitNG is a civic technology platform inspired by the need to address critical gaps in government transparency. It provides citizens with tools to track public projects, access public data, and engage in civic advocacy. We believe every citizen should have access to budget information to evaluate their government and hold elected officials accountable.
Annually, lawmakers and public officials implement projects often marred by corruption allegations. Despite billions of naira appropriated, many projects remain abandoned. In October 2021, the Chartered Institute of Project Management of Nigeria reported over 56,000 abandoned projects worth 12 trillion naira, highlighting a significant and growing issue.

What are some of the key challenges you faced when launching MonitNG, and how did you overcome them?

One of the key challenges in launching MonitNG was registering with the Corporate Affairs Commission. The name “MonitNG” was denied eight times due to concerns it would hold the government accountable for public funds and provide citizens access to public data. We had to make several changes to align the name with our objectives. Eventually, the Forum for the Promotion of Civic Awareness and Good Leadership” was approved. MonitNG now operates as a product under this entity, as the website and social media handles were already established.


How does MonitNG leverage technology to provide citizens with information about public projects?
MonitNG leverages technology to provide citizens with information about public projects by collecting, visualizing, and using budget data as evidence. This helps interpret public finances, supports citizens through advocacy, and enhances accountability for public services, strengthening the ability of citizens and community-based organizations to monitor and evaluate public projects.

Can you describe a success story where MonitNG made a significant impact on a community?

MonitNG has significantly impacted several communities by monitoring government projects where funds were disbursed but never implemented. One of our biggest successes was at LEA Primary School in Bagusa, Dei Dei, Abuja. After a storm left children without a suitable learning space, we tracked and escalated the issue to the responsible government institutions. Thanks to our platform, the construction of 10 classrooms and administrative blocks is now underway. This success story is one of many, and citizens are increasingly recognizing and utilizing our platform, which continues to gain momentum.

What are the main features of MonitNG, and how do they benefit the users?

It enables citizens to hold government officials accountable by exposing networks and systems that support corruption. The platform advocates for inclusive policies and ensures citizen participation in the budget process.
A civic tech tool that helps to build coalitions to address critical social and economic development issues, working to change the status quo.
The platform uses infographics to simplify the budget, making it easier for citizens to understand.
It provides legal aid and support to vulnerable groups, ensuring their voices are heard.
The platform monitors and evaluates government policies and programs to assess their effectiveness.
A civic tech tool that conducts research and uses data and technology for evidence-based advocacy, promoting transparency and accountability.
These features empower citizens with information, enabling them to hold public officials accountable and stay informed about budgetary matters.

How do you gather and verify the data presented on the MonitNG platform?

We gather data from official government websites at both the subnational and state levels. Our state officers and community monitors validate this data. We then use infographics and media to present the information to the public in an easy-to-understand manner.

What role does community engagement play in the success of MonitNG?

Community engagement is crucial to the success of MonitNG. Many Nigerians in rural areas have little or no understanding of how their taxes are spent. To bridge this gap, we equip our state officers and community monitors with budget information, enabling them to educate and engage citizens at the grassroots level. This approach helps to break the communication barrier and disconnect between citizens and public spending.
For instance, a community in the Federal Capital Territory had relied on dirty stream water for over 50 years. Through our town hall meetings, we highlighted that the budget included funds for constructing a borehole. Empowered by this information, the community engaged their representative to demand the implementation of the borehole project captured in the 2023 budget. Today, the residents are benefiting from clean water, demonstrating the impact of effective community engagement.

How do you ensure that the information provided by MonitNG remains unbiased and accurate?

As a non-partisan non-governmental organization, MonitNG is dedicated to ensuring that public resources benefit everyone, regardless of political affiliation. Our primary goal is to prioritize citizens’ interests by providing accurate information on government spending. This enables citizens to hold elected officials accountable. Our commitment to unbiased and precise data ensures that our platform serves the public impartially and effectively.

What are some of the biggest challenges currently facing MonitNG, and how are you addressing them?

One of the biggest challenges MonitNG faces is funding, especially as we aim to scale our platform across all 36 states in Nigeria. Currently, we rely on volunteers to operate in a few selected states. Our goal is to establish a presence in all 774 local governments in Nigeria. To address this, we are actively seeking partnerships and funding opportunities to expand our reach and impact.

How does MonitNG plan to expand its reach and impact in the coming years?

MonitNG plans to expand its reach and impact by seeking increased collaboration with government entities, local and international donors, civil society organizations, community-based groups and media partners. Our goal is to extend our work to all 774 local governments in Nigeria.


What strategies does MonitNG use to foster transparency and accountability in public projects?

MonitNG fosters transparency and accountability in public projects by empowering citizens with budget data, enabling them to demand greater transparency and accountability in the use of public resources..