Treatment for resistant Malaria

I am two months pregnant and have a severe case of malaria. I completed Lonart medication days ago and was better, but suddenly started having the symptoms again.  I take Folic acid and Fersolate tabs. Please, what could be the cause and what do I do?  -Mrs Peters, Kaduna You are likely to be dealing […]

Treatment for resistant Malaria

I am two months pregnant and have a severe case of malaria. I completed Lonart medication days ago and was better, but suddenly started having the symptoms again.  I take Folic acid and Fersolate tabs. Please, what could be the cause and what do I do? 

-Mrs Peters, Kaduna

You are likely to be dealing with a case of resistant malaria. You need to see your family doctor, preferably an obstetrician. Tests like malaria parasite would be conducted. If necessary quinine IV can be used. It is safe and the recommended standard treatment of severe malaria. Let me also emphasize that all pregnant women who have a headache, especially severe headache like this should check their blood pressure as soon as possible irrespective of gestational age.



I am 38 and have three children. My youngest child is twelve years old.  I have been trying to conceive for the last eight months without success. Please, is there any drug I can take to boost fertility? I have been on fertilAid for the last two months.

-Cordelia, Abuja

Since you are thirty-eight and have been trying for eight months you have to be investigated for infertility. Generally speaking, we advise couples to try for one year before investigation except for women above thirty-five years. You have to be tested along with your spouse. He will do seminal fluid analysis while you will do tests like HSG, hormonal assay and follicular tracking. It is not advisable to take fertility-boosting drugs without doing investigations and knowing the cause first. I will suggest you see a Gynaecologists with your spouse



My sister plans to adopt a baby. Can she breastfeed the baby? What drug can she take to stimulate breast milk?

-Deborah, Gombe

Any woman can actually breastfeed a baby. However, the first thing is to do the necessary tests to find out if there are any contraindications to her breastfeeding. The person should not have diseases like active tuberculosis. Also, tests like HIV should be carried out because HIV infection is a contraindication to breastfeeding in this case. Though if it is a biological mother and who has been on antiretroviral drugs and low viral load the person can breastfeed. Also, a Hepatitis B test should be done and the appropriate steps are taken if she is positive.

There is no need for medication the suckling of the baby will initiate breast milk production. She should also take adequate fluid.

Dr. Nathaniel Adewole, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Abuja. Mobile: 0803 8039182 EMAIL: [email protected]