Tribute to a beautiful soul, full of life

It has been two years since my beloved husband, Aminu Abubakar,  returned to our Lord and we are still finding it hard to believe that he is actually gone. Those of us that were especially close to him still feel the emptiness in our hearts where his presence once filled. We still feel the pain […]

Tribute to a beautiful soul, full of life
Tribute to a beautiful soul, full of life

It has been two years since my beloved husband, Aminu Abubakar,  returned to our Lord and we are still finding it hard to believe that he is actually gone. Those of us that were especially close to him still feel the emptiness in our hearts where his presence once filled. We still feel the pain of his sudden departure and yearn to relive our memories of him; those memories are sadly; all we are left with.

While we have all had to move on with life, within the solitude of our quiet moments, we feel our hearts broken and heavy with grief, and deep down to our very core, we miss him terribly.

Aminu was born in Digijin, Gwaram Local Government Area of Jigawa State on August 21, 1972 to the family of Alhaji Abubakar Shehu Digijin and Hajiya Hamamatu Musa Cediya and was the eldest of his 15 siblings. He was indeed a beautiful soul, so full of life, cheerful and a very optimistic fellow. Nothing could break his spirit, and even when he was faced with life’s challenges, he would still crack jokes and laugh so hard. The few moments when he felt down, little things cheered him up. He had a good heart and sound character. He was brilliant, patient, disciplined, hardworking, well-organized and very meticulous. He loved cleanliness and tidy places. Whenever he was in a position to help a fellow human being, he never hesitated and would often go overboard in trying to assist. He hated oppression and inconsiderate traits in people. Aminu wouldn’t kill an insect if he could just open up a space for it to go away.

He related well with everyone, from those at the top to his peers, relatives, right down to his secretaries, drivers, security men and tailors, as well as sales persons in stores. He treated everyone with respect and avoided any opportunity to be treated like ‘Oga’. He had a way with people and people were naturally endeared to him. I used to ask him: ‘How do you get people to always want to do things for you and even change a stand they had earlier taken?’ And he would say: ‘It’s simple, show concern towards them, be interested in what is going on with them, and they’ll give you their undivided attention.’ He was an amazing person.

It was very easy for him to adapt to the different circumstances of his life. He had been placed in different contrasting positions in his career path. He had the rare privilege and opportunity to have worked with different organizations and companies at the national and international level. He worked with Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) briefly, and the defunct National Electric Power Authority (NEPA) which was renamed PHCN and later unbundled into various companies.

He had travelled wide across the globe. However, when the chips were down, he never gave up hope for a brighter future, all the while being totally submissive to the will of Allah and having hope in His mercy at the same time. Indeed, every test that he went through and bore with patience elevated his rank and status as a true believer.

When Aminu passed away, I strongly and firmly believe that he passed away at the time his Lord was most pleased with him because he passed away on a Friday shortly after performing Juma’a prayer in congregation, having fasted and participated in a routine monthly complete Qur’an recitation a day before. More so, he passed away in the town where both of his parents were, his body washed by them together with my humble self because I had the honor of being there at that moment by the will of Allah. His funeral prayer was attended by hundreds of people.

Aminu passed away on March 30, 2018 in Kano State after suffering from a sudden constricting pain in his chest while climbing the staircase to his office which was on the 5th floor of the building. He was subsequently rushed to the hospital where he passed away almost instantly. He is survived by his parents, siblings and immediate family, including five children.

May Allah in His Infinite Mercy forgive Aminu, pardon him and admit him to Aljannatul Firdaus. Amin.

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