Tribute To Excellence : Prof Jerry Alhassan Gana, CON, Hasken Nupe, at 70

I met Prof Jerry Gana for the first time in July 1975 on arrival at the School of Basic Studies, Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria at the University Chapel. He was then the Secretary of the chapel, who welcomed us (new Christian students) to the campus. He gave us a talk on how to live […]

Tribute To Excellence : Prof Jerry Alhassan Gana, CON, Hasken Nupe, at 70

I met Prof Jerry Gana for the first time in July 1975 on arrival at the School of Basic Studies, Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria at the University Chapel. He was then the Secretary of the chapel, who welcomed us (new Christian students) to the campus. He gave us a talk on how to live on campus and succeed in our studies. Thereafter, he invited us to a tea party at his house in Area F staff quarters.
 I later served in the Choir where he was the Senior Staff Adviser, on the Church Building Committee where he was the Chairman and later on the Executive Committee of the Zaria branch of the Nigerian Christian Graduate Fellowship, where he was also Chairman.
When I joined ABU as a Graduate Assistant in 1980, after graduation and completing my National Youth Service in Niger State (his state of origin), he was there for me as a Senior colleague and advised me on how to settle in as a new staff.
When the Federal University of Technology (FUT) Minna, was established in 1984, I consulted Prof Gana as to my interest in joining the new university. He encouraged me to apply, which I did, was called for an interview and recruited as one of the pioneer staff of the School of Engineering and Engineering Technology in 1985. In 1989, I was awarded the Commonwealth Academic Staff Scholarship to study for a PhD in Engineering Design at the Cranfield Institute of Technology, Bedford, United Kingdom (UK). Prof Gana having had his PhD from University of Aberdeen, Scotland UK, was one of those who encouraged and advised me on settling in and studying in the UK.
In spite of his busy schedule then as Executive Chairman of MAMSER (now NOA), he replied all my letters to him. He was one of the few Senior Friends that sent me a very consoling letter when my father died in 1990, while I was abroad and completely devastated !
My Involvement with Prof Gana as Special Adviser
After completing my PhD and returning to FUT Minna, Prof Gana was appointed the Minister of Agriculture during the interim government of Chief Ernest Shonekan, GCFR. I wrote a fourteen (14) point agenda for him to consider for implementation as Minister. He read through it, was impressed, adopted it as his agenda and then requested that I join him as Special Adviser to implement the items on the agenda. With great hesitation (knowing that his offer may end my academic career, which was my first love career wise) and after much prayers, I accepted his offer and resumed in October 1993. I served him as Special Adviser in three ministries viz : Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Federal Ministry of Information and Culture and later Ministry of Cooperation and Integration in Africa. I have remained his Special Adviser on Technical Matters (in personal capacity) to date.
Being his Special Adviser over the years (at times really his Personal Assistant and Confidant than Adviser) meant sharing his life, viz residing in Abuja together, working together, travelling to places together, eating together, discussing issues and agreeing/disagreeing on some. Prof Gana allows me to be real in his presence, even when we disagree. He epitomizes humility in the sense that he accepts superior arguments from advisers, who are his subordinates. I have watched him reverse himself severally when a superior argument is presented by subordinates.
Academic Accomplishments
Prof Gana, a PhD holder in geography is an accomplished academic. He rose from graduate assistant to full professorship at ABU Zaria between 1974 to 1985. He has supervised and graduated many MSc and PhD students. He was instrumental to the development of the MSc programme in Rural Development at ABU, Zaria. He is at home among his academic colleagues and with academic discussions, and contributes intelligently. I have seen him stay up all night, researching his presentations, reading every memo forwarded to him, and giving directives on issues of academic value. He detests any sloppy presentation that does not have critical analysis. I have seen him discard and rewrite any presentation that he is not happy with. He is at ease at professional meetings where academic presentations are discussed. He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Economic Society, Fellow of the Social Science Academy of Nigeria and Fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations. He is presently the Chancellor of University of Mkar Benue State, Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the Governing Council of the University of Lagos and Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the Governing Council of Kwararafa University, Wukari- Taraba State. He is presently working on the blueprint and establishment of a private university in Bida, Niger State.
Prof Gana is a born again Christian .He loves good choir music and has been Chairman of the annual ‘Abuja Festival of Praise’ since inception in 2008 to date. Prof Gana is a man of prayers. He commits all decisions and assignments he undertakes to prayers in Jesus Name. He also encourages people around him to be prayerful. His life within the precincts of the church and Christian community is never isolated or hidden. It is an open secret for which he is at peace with.
 His Family
He is an intense family man who believes in the sanctity of marriage. He is married to one wife, Mrs Lucy Teni Gana and they are blessed with children and grandchildren. He comes from a very large family of brothers, sisters, uncles, etc which he is closely knit to and actively supports. Mrs Lucy Teni Gana, his beautiful wife of over forty years, is meticulous, firm, amiable, and quiet and shies away from undue publicity. She has successfully complemented and groomed her husband and children well. A woman of faith and virtue.
His Friends
Prof Gana is a very amiable person. He has friends among the high and mighty, and also the low and humble. He is completely detribalised, and I do not know of any tribe in Nigeria where he does not have friends. His house is open seven days of the week and twenty four hours of the day. His joy is always to be among people. He keeps friends, that is why some of us have been with him for over forty years and counting.
His Generosity
Prof Gana’s generosity is legendary ! I have seen him severally give out his last Naira, borrowed to give out, and more. At times, he denies himself and family to meet another person’s need. He has a very selfless spirit which at all times, seeks to serve others before himself, and many a times, at his personal expense. He truly combines generosity with sacrifice.
 His Politics
Prof Gana was elected to the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 1983, and has severally been prospective Presidential Aspirant. He is a people’s person who believes in the politics of adding value to human life through poverty alleviation and human capital development. He does not seek power for himself or for its pecuniary benefits. Over the years, He has served various administrations in Nigeria on invitation. He did serve as Executive Chairman of MAMSER, Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Minister of Information and Culture, Minister of Cooperation and Integration in Africa and Minister of Information and National Orientation. He was the Foundation Secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), First Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the PDP, Special Adviser to the President on Political Affairs, Chairman of the Northern Economic Summit- the G20 and Delegate to the 2014 National Conference among other political appointments. His capacity to handle public assignments in an excellent manner has endeared him to both military and civilian governments, which have made them to invite him to serve over and over again. This has made his critics to erroneously label him “Any Government In Power” (AGIP). I do not know of any assignment that this humble, diligent and hard working man has not handled excellently well !
Oratorical Skills
It will be a disservice to end this tribute without mentioning Prof Gana’s oratorical skills. It is a gift from God to him. His students attest to the fact that his presentations at lectures are easy to digest, understand and enhance the passing of any examinations. Nobody gets bored, distracted or falls asleep when he is talking. He is an “Orator per Excellence”. He has employed this gift to full advantage in every public assignment he handles. He is known as “Mr Speak Well” and people long to hear him speak at public functions, as he also does well even at short notices. I have seen Prof Gana chair occasions and make presentations impromptu and ex-tempore,  excellently well.
Prof Gana being most of the time in the public eye is human. He has his weak points like every human being. Equally, he has his critics, some who may be right; but I have found many to be wrong. They are unfair to him either because of their distance from him, or the fact that they lazily refuse to get close to him, to know him and hear him out. Many also criticise him due to their prejudice, fleeting perceptions or political mischief. He does not respond to unfair criticisms as a matter of principle.
This is a man I have known intimately for over forty years. He is a man that I will with all my judgements describe as a “Man of Excellence”. He personifies hardwork, diligence, integrity and consistency in character. Happy Seventieth Birthday my Lecturer, Senior Colleague, Mentor, Friend, Brother and Boss Sir ! May the Lord God Almighty bless you and spare you for us and to see many more birthdays. Amen.
Dr. Bassi is a former Director-General of the Directorate of Technical Cooperation in Africa in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Abuja.