Troubling North West and a sick nation

It appears like a hydra headed monster. As soon as the authorities appear to have tamed it, it rears its head in another horizon, more ferocious and daring. From the era of pick pocketing and burglary, criminality and other deviant behaviours have grown wings to fiendish proportions.  Chilling were the comments of some Zamfara indigenes […]

Troubling North West and a sick nation
Troubling North West and a sick nation

It appears like a hydra headed monster. As soon as the authorities appear to have tamed it, it rears its head in another horizon, more ferocious and daring. From the era of pick pocketing and burglary, criminality and other deviant behaviours have grown wings to fiendish proportions.  Chilling were the comments of some Zamfara indigenes who protested in Abuja against the troubling killings in their state under the hashtag, #End Zamfarakillings. Any humane person would be touched by accounts of how their relatives were massacred brutally. Out of anger some commentators accuse the government of doing NOTHING, being insensitive to the plight of Zamfara people and others. This is not truthful. After all, the commander-in-chief had been having security meetings on this and other related issues. We can say that government’s efforts is not yielding desired result and urge it and other stakeholders to do more.

Fact of the matter is that things will continue to get progressively worse with passing of each year, literally. Thus even if there is a change of government, our problems would persist, for their root causes lie deeper than what we see on the surface. At best they would take on new forms. All segments of society are responsible in one way or other for the pervasive malaise. However, the group that is responsible the most,  that bears the greatest  guilt for what is happening all around us today, for the wailing lamentations and air of hopelessness that suffuse us, is women. Women are the major cause of it all and the solution lies in a radical change of women. Why? Because they are primarily responsible for their descendants. Women determine the quality of the fruit of their womb. They can influence the calibre of human beings that they bring forth to this earth.

For this they need true knowledge to comport themselves aright and deviate from our current frivolous lifestyle. The act of procreation has to be taken more seriously, it is not something to be indulged in thoughtlessly or casually;  and  the woman has to comport herself well in thought, word and deed as well as be mindful of those she mingles or associates with, not least during pregnancy. Otherwise, it may happen that she attracts and brings to this world a character that would later oppress her and us all in all its facets as we are currently witnessing. It is not for nothing that our forebears in the good old days had dos and don’ts for pregnant women and those women/young girls were required to behave in a decent, civilised manner generally. Remarkably, women and children (who always cling to them) are the most vulnerable and suffer the most with respect to problems that are bedevilling the country and indeed the world. Poetic justice, you would say? They are the hardest hit with economic crises; suffer most from social deviants and political conflicts, including insurgency.

Everybody is guilty in one way or other but women have sinned the most because they could have stemmed the evil tide through earnest volition for what is true, pure and noble in thought, word and deed and reverentially looking upwards to the Almighty.


Victoria Ngozi Ikeano, Lafia, Nasarawa State.