Trump is impeached, so what?

The enemies have done their worst! Trump is impeached on a two count charge – so what? The morning after remained Thursday. Climate change was ravaging Australia and Ottawa the Canadian capital recorded its coldest weather in 40 years. Hideous things are happening in every corner of the world. So Donald J Trump is impeached, […]

Trump is impeached, so what?

US President, Donald J. Trump.

The enemies have done their worst! Trump is impeached on a two count charge – so what? The morning after remained Thursday. Climate change was ravaging Australia and Ottawa the Canadian capital recorded its coldest weather in 40 years. Hideous things are happening in every corner of the world. So Donald J Trump is impeached, long reign Emperor Trump.

The only thing that jobless people would miss is the tv drama. Anybody with a little sense of discernment knows that America too would move forward. It has no choice. Donald J Trump was not the best man for the job when he was picked for that task four years ago. From a moralist point of view, at least 17 women have accused Trump of sexually harassing them. He was caught on tape describing how he uses prosperity privilege to get away with it. There were only two accusers when Herman Cain was forced to step down from being party favourite nine years ago. Trump is unimpeachable.

Candidate Trump paraded all the credentials he needed for the job – a loud and uncouth mouth, paper wealth and a slew of negatives that hitherto could only win elections in the backwaters in banana republics and shithole nations – but he won!

In the history of American presidential politics a candidate heckling and physically intimidating his closest rival is called a bully. In eleven recorded incidences, Trump threatened to jail Hilary Clinton, dubbed her ‘Crooked Hilary’ and still won. In old American politics, one who heckles a former president’s wife, who served as a senator and secretary of state that doesn’t qualify for the highest office – Trump did!

Unlike other candidates who buckle at moral infractions, Trump basks in the euphoria that all men parade their sins without scruples. Five times, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of America dodged the draft. Accused of not paying his share of taxes as a millionaire, Trump did retract his head in shame like a tortoise facing execution, he boasted about exploiting the loopholes in the tax system to beat the IRS. Now, the fear of the IRS is no longer the beginning of wisdom if you are – Trump smart!

Trump’s published plan was to take America back to what it was about 100 years before him – that nation where white supremacists could buy a license to use people of colour for target practice. Race relations have been at their worst since emancipation.

Trump is the weapon of white tribal anger against integration. In 2008, a young Barack Obama looked like the fulfilment of Garvey’s philosophy and Luther’s dream. Trump emerged to wipe the slate clean and re-establish the old order, including were it possible the history that a black man was America’s 44th President. From repealing Obamacare to Xeroxing every treaty with Obama’s signature on it, Trump fulfils the promise to – make America great again. Immigrants should look for their own space in another galaxy.

Where did India’s Narendra Modi get the idea to grants foreigners citizenship status and exclude Muslims? You guessed right – Trump’s policy of removing Muslims and their nations from asylum status in America?

Trump may hate Muslims, he sees nothing with appropriating their resources even if it means campaigns for overt regime change from Libya to Iran, Yemen to Myanmar he would identify and support any nation with the resources to make America great again.

Trump made Saudi Arabia, long classified as sponsor and supporter of terrorism by successive administrations a friend and ally nation. He paid an early visit, crossed swords with its maximum rulers and when Jamal Khassoghi was lured into a Saudi embassy in Turkey to be brutally murdered, Trump didn’t condemn it. He was paving the way for American businesses to rake in the dollars. American economy has thrived because Trump sold weapons to regimes that are murdering children in Yemen. At home, he hasn’t done any better, he’ll separate children from their parents and watch them die helplessly without access to medication because they dared cross his real and virtual walls. Trump courts Saudi Arabia even if the ink that signs the contracts he got were made from Khassoghi’s blood.

Some of you see a free press as the fulcrum of democracy, Trump thinks otherwise. Any news that doesn’t pass his personal taste is called – Fake News. Now you know from where Nigerian misanthropes got their boldness. Trump has heckled and removed the accreditation of American journalists covering the White House, so please give Muhammadu Buhari a breather for looking the other way as journalists and critics are clamped in jail. Don’t cry to America, Trump wishes he could do worse at home, but for the likes of Nancy Pelosi!

Trump introduced bullying into international politics. He used the tactic on the North Korean dictator, Kim Jung-Un. The chap responded in kind, Trump backs down and the two are now great friends. He does the same thing to China with great economic success. Did Buhari just call out Niger, Chad and Cameroon for freeloading on our hydro-electricity, well, Trump did the same to his NATO allies and the heavens did not fall.

So, Trump becomes the third American president to be impeached. Well, he is the first American president to visibly target minorities with bilious rhetoric. He blatantly heckles Greta Thunberg, and openly insults physically challenged people. These are the attributes that an American president needs today to win elections. Little wonder that, hours after his ‘impeachment’, his approval ratings within his party rose to an all-time 88%.

If you’ve already lost your appetite over this, prepare to go on a full-fledged hunger strike! Come 2020, Trump would win his re-election mandate by an unprecedented margin or wide popular and electoral college votes. If that sounds unpalatable to you, seek solace in an alternate universe because Trump is here to make America great again.