Two painful years without Abba

September 17, 2018 was a day never to be forgotten in my life. I was away in Abuja preparing for my trip outside the country. I am a regular traveler on Schengen Visa and therefore, obtaining the visa has never been a problem for me. When I applied for renewal at the expiration of the […]

Two painful years without Abba

Late Abba

September 17, 2018 was a day never to be forgotten in my life.

I was away in Abuja preparing for my trip outside the country.

I am a regular traveler on Schengen Visa and therefore, obtaining the visa has never been a problem for me.

When I applied for renewal at the expiration of the one I had, I was shocked to encounter a problem.

I was told that there were gaps in my documentation and by the time I resubmitted, I was told the period was fully booked so I could only be invited for an interview after about three months.

That would have been of no use because the programme I was going to attend would have ended.

We now changed instead of through the German Consulate, we decided to apply through Italy.

While all this was going on, I was in daily contact with Abba.

Abba kept assuring me that he was ok.

Meanwhile, we were kept on a waiting list for so long that I lost interest and decided to put the planned trip on hold.

Allahu Akbar, we have always been reminded by the clerics that when you ask for something from God, He can give you at the time you asked.

He can delay it for a more appropriate time or change it for something better.

The delay in getting the Visa was Allah’s will that Abba will die while I am still around.

I always thank Allah (SWT) for this blessing.

It turned out that my inability to travel was a blessing in disguise.

I called my father to inform him that after spending close to 10 days in Abuja, I have decided to come back to Kano.

His reply was, please come back.

He said I didn’t want to interrupt your travel plans but since you have encountered some hitches, just come back.

He then went ahead to tell me that he has not been feeling too well but kept it away from me so as not to get me worried.

I enjoy starting my journey early so the following day I started early and by 12 noon, I was in Kano from Abuja and drove straight to my father’s home.

There I met Abba laying on his favourite chair.

He smiled broadly when he saw me.

I was equally happy to see him but immediately noticed that he had lost some weight.

I stayed with Abba until about 8pm.

This continued for six days; each time I would come to Abba from around and stayed with him until we offered Isha prayer.

In those six days, every day Abba was becoming weaker.

All my brothers and sisters made it a point to join us either full day or spend some time and then proceed to work.

He was quite appreciative of our presence and he said to me, “Please, always stay around me”.

It pleases me to have all of you around me.

Two days before his death, Abba said to me, “Sa’a, I hate to tell you this but I feel my time is near.”

I foolishly laughed and said “are you feverish?

“Can we go to the hospital?”

He said he was not going to any hospital, there was really no point. Allah Akbar how foolish I was.

“I thought Abba will get well and continue to be with us for a long time to come.

We sneaked out to play a game when Abba fell asleep.

He woke up to call me.

He said I told you don’t leave me alone.

I enjoy the noise all of you are making around me.

This was how we left for home.

The following day, we were all there with Abba till after Isha when we all left with the promise of “Sai gobe Abba,  Allah ya bamu alheri”.

Just as I was leaving, I received good news which made me take a few dance steps.

He looked at me and laughed.

With that smile on Abba’s face, he said to us, see today we are parting on a happy note.

May it continue when you join me in the morning.

We said Amin to that.

The following day was 17th of September, 2018.

I received a call that I should come home quickly.

I rushed home only to be received by a large crowd made up of my brothers, sisters and neighbours.

Inna illahi wa inna illaihirrajiuun.  Abba has answered the call of his creator.

It has been two painful years without you Abba.

Years, I still go to your room Abba to spend some time.

We (your children) have fulfilled your wish Abba.

We have renovated your room and converted it to our meeting place.

We always pray for you Abba.

May you continue to rest in peace.

I have known you to read the holy Qur’an every day of your life from Subh prayer to sunrise.

May its reward be your constant companion in your grave.