Two similar festivities

Allah (SWT) says: “Allah desires to explain to you, and to guide you into the ways of those before you, and to turn to you (mercifully), and Allah is Knowing, Wise. And Allah desires that He should turn to you (merciful), and those who follow (their) lusts desire that you should deviate (with) a great […]

Two similar festivities
Two similar festivities

Allah (SWT) says: “Allah desires to explain to you, and to guide you into the ways of those before you, and to turn to you (mercifully), and Allah is Knowing, Wise. And Allah desires that He should turn to you (merciful), and those who follow (their) lusts desire that you should deviate (with) a great deviation.”
-An-Nisaâ: 26-27
The Messenger of Allah, PBUH, on the authority of Aisha (RA), said: “He who innovates something in this matter of ours that is not of it, will have it rejected.” And “He who does an act which our matter is not [in agreement] with, will have it rejected.” -Bukhari and Muslim
In this discourse I will try to discuss the similarities between Maulud and Christmas celebrations to the extent that they are same and one both in origin and practice. I know that Christianity in its original form was a divine religion; revealed and chosen by God, with the Bible (Injil) as the ultimate guidance during the life time of Jesus (Isa) (AS) as one of the greatest Messengers of Allah. Jesus (AS) lived his time a perfect man with the mandate of Allah.
Similarly, Muhammad, PBUH, came with truth from Allah to guide and lead humanity; the last and final Prophet and Messenger. The Qur’an like the Injil was revealed by God. The Prophet lived a pious life as guidance for mankind.
Thus, whatever Jesus and Muhammad, Alaihimas-Salaam, said and did were the only examples worthy of emulation; anything contrary or foreign to them stands to be rejected and overruled.
Christmas celebration is not the most important celebration in Christendom. It is the fourth most important Christian date after Easter, Pentecost and Epiphany, a feast held January 6 to commemorate the manifestation of the divinity of Jesus. It is only the Roman Catholics and Protestants that celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25 of every year. Many other Orthodox Christians use the Julian calendar, which places Christmas around January 6.
In fact, early Christians did not celebrate Christmas. There was disagreement about when Jesus was born and some early Christians opposed celebrating his birthday. It was until 4,000 years that Christmas was added to the church calendar as a feast day! A day when sumptuous dishes of food will be served by the rich at the detriment of the poor! It was never a religious day of festivity! The choice of 25 December is considered arbitrary and not based on evidence provided in the New Testament, the Christian text dealing with the life of Christ.
Similarly, the maulud date was supposed to be the date when Prophet Muhammad was born. But, alas! There is no agreement amongst the Muslim historians on the correct and acceptable date of the Prophet’s (PBUH) birthday!
Thus, just as there is no consensus on Christmas in Christendom till today, there too is no unanimity amongst Muslims on maulud celebration. The maulud date is also an arbitrary and subjective one that was never based on any text from both Qur’an and the hadith which define the life and time of Prophet Muhammad, PBUH! The Prophet never celebrated his birthday nor did his companions, during or after his life. He used the Qur’an to positively change the world! He became a walking Qur’an, in action and speech!
The pro-Christmas argued that it is supposed to be the time of the year they celebrate the birth of Christ. The “reason for the season” is supposed to be Jesus only, and not gifts, not parties, and not watching “the big game.”!
The pro-maulud on the one hand, hinge their sentiment on the need to remember the life and times of Prophet Muhammad, PBUH, make the people aware of the treasures and values of Islam; an opportunity to showcase the splendour and grandeur of the prophetic period in order for the youths to emulate him.
Maulud celebration has no conventionalism as to how to celebrate it as an act of worship due to its lack of originality or divine relationship with the central personality or his companions. Various parts of the world have innovated their procedural and ceremonial steps, some as integral parts of the two Eids known in the Shari’a.
Similarly, Christian countries or communities have their own style of celebrating Christmas. For example, the Chinese and Russians celebrate it completely different from the Americans or Nigerians.
In Nigeria and many parts of Muslim nations, maulud is a period of felicitation and festivity glorifying the Prophet’s birthday. It is a day songs, poems, music and instruments are played; eating, dancing and processions!
Based on the foregoing the two festivities share similarities, and doers of maulud might as well actively participate in Christmas for the simple reason that it is also a celebration of the birthday of one of the most important messengers of Allah; one endowed with constancy, (Ulul-azmi-minar-Rusul).
Today in Nigeria and many African and Arab states, there are many inventions based on tribal, regional, sectarian and cultist leaders, all in the name of Islam! For instance, there are mauluds of Abdulkadir al-Jelani, Ahmadu Tijani, Usman bin Fodio Ibrahim Nyas etc. There are also the mauluds of some ahlul-bait (RD) such as Ali, Fatimah, Hassan, Hussain among others.
We seek the guidance of Allah (SWT).
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