U.S. launches Air-Quality Monitors to track pollution in Lagos, Abuja

Nigeria now hosts two reference-grade Air Quality Monitors, effectively linking Nigeria to air quality index information and health messaging from the U.S.’ Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Each of the monitors are domiciled at the U.S. Embassy, Abuja and the U.S. Consulate General, Lagos, a statement by the consulate said on Monday. Many feared dead, houses […]

U.S. launches Air-Quality Monitors to track pollution in Lagos, Abuja

The new Air Quality Monitor at the U.S. Consulate General Lagos
Photocredit: NAN

Nigeria now hosts two reference-grade Air Quality Monitors, effectively linking Nigeria to air quality index information and health messaging from the U.S.’ Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Each of the monitors are domiciled at the U.S. Embassy, Abuja and the U.S. Consulate General, Lagos, a statement by the consulate said on Monday.

The monitor supplies data to the ZephAir app, which is free to download on Apple and Google Play Stores.

U.S. Consul General, Claire Pierangelo; Facilities Manager, U.S. Consulate General Lagos, Ibraheem Muhammed and U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria, Mary Beth Leonard unveil the U.S. Consulate General’s Air Quality Monitor on Monday, Jan. 25, 2021 in Lagos.

The U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria, Mary Beth Leonard, unveiled the U.S. Consulate General’s reference-grade Air Quality Monitors as part of the government’s ongoing contribution to environmental sustainability in Nigeria.

U.S. Consul General, Claire Pierangelo; Facilities Manager, U.S. Consulate General Lagos, Ibraheem Muhammed and U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria, Mary Beth Leonard unveil the U.S. Consulate General’s Air Quality Monitor on Monday, Jan. 25, 2021 in Lagos.
Photocredit: NAN

Leonard, who is optimistic that the new equipment will enhance the Consulate’s capacity to provide reliable data on air quality, highlighted the country’s commitment to environmental sustainability.

“Through a team effort, we have successfully procured air quality monitors for Embassy Abuja and Consulate Lagos through the Greening Diplomacy Initiative’s Department of State’s Air programme.

“This will strengthen our ability to collect and share reliable data on air quality as it corresponds to the time of the day and the seasons of the year.

“We are proud to contribute to Nigeria’s efforts to protect the environment and improve human health.

“ The Mission will continue to promote environmental policies that balance environmental protection and economic growth, ” Leaonard said.

The U.S. Department of State’s 65 -plus air quality monitors, which are housed at U.S. Embassies and Consulates across the world, are made in the U.S. to Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) specifications, as delineated by the Clean Air Act.

Air quality information from the monitors is available on the ZephAir app, and at https://www.airnow.gov/international/us-embassies-and-consulates/#Nigeria$Lagos (NAN)