Uber set to use self – driving cars (VIDEO INCLUDED)

Uber Technologies Inc. is an American worldwide online transportation network company headquartered in San Francisco, California. It develops, markets and operates the Uber mobile "app", which allows consumers with smartphones to ask for a trip request via the app which  automatically sends to the Uber driver nearest to the consumer, alerting the driver to the […]

Uber set to use self – driving cars (VIDEO INCLUDED)

Uber Technologies Inc. is an American worldwide online transportation network company headquartered in San Francisco, California.

It develops, markets and operates the Uber mobile "app", which allows consumers with smartphones to ask for a trip request via the app which  automatically sends to the Uber driver nearest to the consumer, alerting the driver to the location of the customer.

 Uber drivers use their own personal cars. The Uber app automatically calculates the fare and transfers the payment to the driver.  No physical cash transaction takes place.

Uber in collaboration with vovlo plans to start using an autonomous -self driving-  car, but in this first phase such cars will be monitored by  a person on the passenger seat.

Here is a video from CNN: