“Ubi Caritas, ibi Deus.” “Where love is, there is God”

Archbishop Jatau’s love to serve God was unquestionable. This was evidenced in the fact that whenever his nieces/nephews/young women/men visited him

“Ubi Caritas, ibi Deus.” “Where love is, there is God”

Tribute to Most Rev. Dr. Peter Yariyok Jatau DD, DCL OFR – Archbishop (Emeritus) Archdiocese of Kaduna.

Archbishop Peter Yariyok Jatau will be remembered for many things. He was a simple man, shrewd, humble, reserved, astute, peace-loving, progressive, thoughtful, considerate, always seeing the bigger picture, empathic, resolute, among many things. Many adjectives, right? But all are true. His most astounding quality was his unreserved delight in the “service of God” and his unwaning passion for “education.” His life in the Priesthood and educational achievements are testaments that he walked the talk. Put simply, he saw all things one way – God’s way. He will always be fondly remembered as a humble servant of God with sustained and tested love for God’s humanity!

Archbishop Jatau’s love to serve God was unquestionable. This was evidenced in the fact that whenever his nieces/nephews/young women/men visited him, he would always seize the opportunity to invite them to come to Christ. He would then ask in his usual soft spoken voice “would you like to be a Reverend sister/father?” To God alone be the glory; his recruitment met with success as many ended up joining the Priesthood in the service of God as lay men and women in the Catholic Church, Rev Fathers, Sisters and some ended up as Bishops.

Baba Bishop believed the purpose of education in one’s life was for enlightenment and not only a means of livelihood. He demonstrated this belief by building and developing schools, and funding the education of a countless number of people. He personally supported and mentored many in the secular arena as a way of helping them find fulfilment in life.

On further reflection, Baba Bishop’s call to Priesthood is akin to God’s call on Prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 6:8, GNB), “Then I heard the Lord say, ‘Whom shall I send? Who will be my messenger?’ I answered, ‘I will go! Send me!’” Baba Bishop answered the call of God and obediently served for over 57 years as a Priest and Archbishop. His delight in the service of his first love, God almighty, was unwavering. God rewarded his undiluted commitment with blessings. God crowned his passion for ‘education’ with remarkable success both in his personal life and in the lives of those he supported and encouraged.

Archbishop emeritus Jatau, your humility was exemplary. Your Christ-like love for humanity was a divine endowment. I would like to express my deep gratitude, love and respect to you for all that you did for God and humanity. My dear Uncle, you were a support and anchor to me as a young man until the full grown man I have become. You were available in kind and deed, from my student years in England and thereafter. Your home was my holiday home. Wherever you called home, there, I was welcome. Your address was my address. I am a better man today for having had you grace my life with your presence. I take comfort in the fact that you touched my life and the lives of many others.

For Baba Bishop, the following quotes are very compelling:

“Legacy is not leaving something for people. It’s leaving something in people” – Peter Strople.

“They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it. Death cannot kill what never dies.” – William Penn.

“You may speak but a word to a child, and in that child there may be slumbering a noble heart which shall stir the Christian Church in years to come.” – Charles Spurgeon.

In an interview Archbishop Jatau gave some years back, a question was then asked whether he knew right from the beginning that he was going to be a Catholic Priest. His answer was fascinating:

“There was no thought of me becoming even a teacher not to talk of being a Priest because at that time, we did not know that a black man could be a Priest. It was Missionaries we saw going around the area trying to get people to embrace the Catholic faith. So there was no question of me thinking I would become a Priest. I became aware of becoming a Priest much later, in fact towards the end of my primary school education – that will be around 1948/49.”

In the same interview, he indicated that the Journey to the Priesthood was not smooth for in 1949, there was no single minor seminary in Northern Nigeria.  He had to go to Ibadan from Kafanchan and the journey by train was very long; about three days. Do not forget, that was the first time he ever ventured outside Kafanchan environment. For a young man, that was not an easy experience.

Then he said “when God wants you to do something, he will give you all the qualities that are required to make you succeed if you cooperate.”

With all these difficulties, he succeeded as the first Northerner to become a Priest in 1963 and the first Northerner to be appointed an Archbishop – Adjutor Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Kaduna in August 1972 with the right of succession.

He succeeded in creating more dioceses and Archdiocese in Northern Nigeria.  Today, Kaduna Ecclesiastical Province is made up of Kaduna, Kano, Minna, Sokoto, Kontagora, Kafanchan and Zaria.

Archbishop Jatau could be described as a gentle giant. He achieved a lot and laid the solid foundation for what many know and see today as Northern CAN. He was not overtly confrontational but no less effective. He was in many ways a quiet super-achiever – almost an unsung hero. As some say, heaven will be full of many surprises as Jatau is sure to carry trophies that some have denied him on earth.

To paraphrase William Shakespeare in Twelfth Night – Most Rev. Dr Peter Yariyok Jatau was born great, achieved greatness, and more greatness was thrust upon him.”

Archbishop Peter Jatau was born 15th March, 1932, retired on 16th November, 2007, and passed onto eternal rest on 16th December, 2020.  16th seems to be an interesting date.

You were my Archbishop, our Archbishop; My uncle, our uncle. To some, you were simply Archbishop or AB to many, you were Baba Bishop.

The comfort of having you as an uncle may have been taken away,

but the joy of the times we spent together and the knowledge that you touched so many lives will remain with me forever.

I am certain that whenever your name is mentioned, what will come to mind is that Archbishop Jatau was fearless in defence of his faith and was in every respect an exemplary Christian and Christian leader. In addition, he taught and trained the next generation of Priests and many.

He served the Lord faithfully by dedicating his life to God and humanity during most of his 89 years on planet earth.

Bye, bye your Grace. Bye bye Baba Bishop as you were affectionately known. I believe you are resting in the bosom of the Lord.

You remain forever in my heart! Rest in peace your Grace. When it is my time, I hope to meet you in spirit one day to part no more.

Baba Bishop, you lived your motto: “Ubi Caritas, ibi Deus” which in Latin translates: “Where love is, there is God.”

Casimir P. Biriyok sent this from London, United Kingdom