UDUS, release our statements of result

Now, four months after our graduation, we are yet to collect our statements of result. For me, I feel ashamed to say that I have graduated because I have no result to show even though many people know that I graduated since December.  The way results are been processed in UDUS is too unfit for […]

UDUS, release our statements of result
UDUS, release our statements of result

Now, four months after our graduation, we are yet to collect our statements of result. For me, I feel ashamed to say that I have graduated because I have no result to show even though many people know that I graduated since December.  The way results are been processed in UDUS is too unfit for a university in this age of modern technology. Results are released per course and not in full based on the courses offered by a student in a semester. Students can spend up to a month without seeing their complete results in a semester.
Students also have to calculate their G.P manually before they are issued with a slip containing their grades. It is sad that at a time when my counterparts from other universities in the country (2011/2012 session), like Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) and Kaduna State University (KASU) are already in their respective states serving the nation through the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), I and my colleagues from UDUS are still waiting for our statements of result to be ready. Though ABU is far ahead of us in their calendar, KASU students finished their exams in November, but they were still able to make the NYSC Batch A in March because their school management are committed towards serving their students.
For me and my colleagues from UDUS, I pray that we will be able to make the NYSC BATCH B in July. Because in UDUS, unlike in other universities, one has to collect his statement of result first before his name will be sent to NYSC for mobilization while other universities just sends students names immediately after they have graduated. I am very sure students from the faculty of education will hardly make the NYSC Batch B in July because of the nature of the problems associated with the faculty in terms of result processing.
It is a fact that many universities established in this millennium are doing better than UDUS, especially in this regard. The university management is not showing any sympathy towards the way students are suffering because of non release of result in time. My advice to the management is to embrace technology for the good of the school, the students and the lecturers themselves. Students should not be unnecessarily made to wait endlessly to collect their statements of result.
Ujdud Hafeez, Sokoto