Uncommon outcomes from uncommon living

1Samuel 3:1 (NLT), “Meanwhile, the boy Samuel was serving the LORD by assisting Eli. Now in those days messages from the LORD were very rare, and visions were quite uncommon.” 1Samuel 3:4, “That the LORD called Samuel.” But Samuel heard from the Lord. What God did not do for everyone, he did for Samuel. This […]

Uncommon outcomes from uncommon living
Uncommon outcomes from uncommon living

1Samuel 3:1 (NLT), “Meanwhile, the boy Samuel was serving the LORD by assisting Eli. Now in those days messages from the LORD were very rare, and visions were quite uncommon.” 1Samuel 3:4, “That the LORD called Samuel.” But Samuel heard from the Lord. What God did not do for everyone, he did for Samuel.

This year God will release wisdom and power for wealth and uncommon results!

From now on you will enjoy uncommon revelations. You will enjoy uncommon privileges. What God does not do for everyone, He will do for you. God will give you the wealth He does not give to everyone. You will enjoy uncommon wealth. You will enjoy uncommon health in Jesus name. Amen!

You will be celebrated in 2021 in Jesus name. Amen! Your divine potentials will come forth and manifest for global recognition in 2021 in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Welcome to 2021. This year, you will experience divine wisdom and uncommon wealth, in Jesus name!

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light…” 1Peter 2:9

To have uncommon results, you must become an uncommon person and do uncommon things.

It takes uncommon living to produce uncommon results. Uncommon living makes you an uncommon person.

10 Benefits Of Uncommon Living

  1. An uncommon Christian receives uncommon secrets from God.
  2. An uncommon Christian is unstoppable. If God be for us who can be against us? Romans 8:31 If you don’t stop yourself no one else can.
  3. Prospers without limit.
  4. Lives a life of complete dominion over the forces of darkness.
  5. Enjoys uncommon favour.
  6. Prays and receives answers.
  7. Enjoys victory in every battle.
  8. Enjoys soundness of health. He or she is complete in Christ: nothing missing, and nothing broken.
  9. Enjoys uncommon fruitfulness.
  10. Joy and gladness are seen in the lives of uncommon Christians.

10 Powerful Traits of Uncommon Believers (Champions)

  1. Holiness. Holiness is very rare these days even among preachers. We live in the days where sin is common and those who live righteous lives are very few. If you want God to treat you differently, you must live differently. God promised Joshua that no man will be able to stand before him all the days of his life (Josh 1:5). But he lost the battle against a very small town. When Joshua enquired of the Lord, he was made to understand that there was sin in the camp and was told to get rid of it (Joshua 7). God’s promise was negated because of sin. SIN IS SATAN’S INSTRUMENT FOR NEGATING THE PROMISES OF GOD IN A PERSON’S LIFE.
  2. Uncommon Wisdom. Uncommon learning, Uncommon knowledge. The wisest man outside Christ had the most wealth; I’m talking about King Solomon. Champions value and pursue uncommon information.
  3. Uncommon Faith. Uncommon people dare what others dread. They trust God. Uncommon learning produces uncommon faith. The proof of Uncommon Faith is Uncommon obedience.
  4. Uncommon Prayer and Fasting. There are doors that will not open without adding fasting to prayer. There are problems that will not go away without adding fasting to prayer- Matthew 17:21.
  5. Uncommon Worship. This is the key that gives you access to the very presence of God. It is the primary reason for our existence.
  6. Uncommon Giving. Champions know that your seed is your power over lack and deprivation. They know that An Uncommon seed always produces an uncommon harvest. They know the place of sacrifice in securing a place at the top.
  7. Uncommon Soul Winning.
  8. Uncommon Fellowship
  9. Uncommon Service.
  10. Uncommon conversation. Champions do not engage in victim conversation.

Mordecai was given a rare honour by the king. “Then took Haman the apparel and the horse, and arrayed Mordecai, and brought him on horseback through the streets of the city, and proclaimed before him, thus shall it be done unto the man whom the king delighteth to honour.” Esther 6: 11

Your enemies will bring the news of your promotion. Those who fought against you will be used by God to promote you before they go down.

There will be definite miracles that will make you recognizable; definite miracles that will mark you out, noteworthy and make you famous!

Joseph enjoyed uncommon promotion in Egypt. Genesis 41:39-44.

This year, God will connect people to your gift. God is about to honour you. He will announce you. He will make your gift work. He will promote you. He will distinguish you in your family, office, ministry, etc.

You will become a mover and a shaker. You will stop being the shaken; you will become the shaker.

This is your year of recognition. This is your year of crowning. This is your year of enthronement. You will be remembered this year by those who have a role to play in your promotion. Joseph suffered but his day of distinction came. David’s day of recognition came.

Mordecai’s day of reward came. He was elevated the day his enemies planned to have him executed. You might be standing at the very edge of defeat or death, but your uncommon breakthrough has come! This is your year of UNCOMMON RESULTS!

It Is On

People have started testifying already. Your testimony is next!

This year you will experience MEGA RESULTS! God is getting ready to give you uncommon results.

For Sarah, it was the birth of Isaac; a miracle that completely destroyed 25 years of barrenness.

For Hannah, it was the birth of Samuel; a miracle that completely erased the reproach of many years.

For you, it may be walking down the aisle with the man or woman of your dream. It may be the conception and delivery of your first child after many years of waiting. For some others, it may be financial breakthrough after many years of labouring and toiling in vain.

For others, it may be the healing of a long-standing ailment. Whatever your situation may be, whatever your desire, this is your year of fulfilment. I see your miracle coming!!! I see you laughing at last!!! I see you celebrating!!! I see you rising out of the ashes of defeat and failure!!! I see you like Joseph rising to your throne of distinction!!! This is your year of great strides!!! God is about to move you from the back seat to the front seat. Amen!!!

Welcome to God’s Honour Roll. Welcome to your year of wisdom and wealth, welcome to your year of Distinction.

God has singled you out for promotion. You are chosen above the rest of the pack. The God of Mordecai, Joseph, Esther, Daniel will manifest His glory in your life this year. Amen!!!

Bishop Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.  Website: www.dayspringcmi.org e-mail: [email protected] Help line: 08035150515