Understanding the mystery power of creativity

It is one of my favorite words. Excellence is a spirit, a choice and a habit. Creativity and problem solving There are 3 ways to access answers when you are faced with a problem:• Your understanding. Applying what you know. This is very often insufficient so the Bible says don’t lean on it (Proverbs 3:5-6). […]

Understanding the mystery power of creativity
Understanding the mystery power of creativity

It is one of my favorite words. Excellence is a spirit, a choice and a habit.
Creativity and problem solving
There are 3 ways to access answers when you are faced with a problem:
• Your understanding. Applying what you know. This is very often insufficient so the Bible says don’t lean on it (Proverbs 3:5-6). Many times what you know does not address your current challenge. Moses said we have not passed this way before.
• Revelation. Divine intervention or miracle.
• Creative thinking.
A combination of all three is very often required to solve problems cheaply and effectively. We are divinely equipped to solve problems. God makes a way for you to come out of every problem you face per time. 1Corinthians 10:13.
Creativity is your ability to birth something new and valuable. The word ‘thinketh’ is an interesting Hebrew word ‘shâar’ which means to split open, reason out, calculate, reckon, estimate (Proverbs 23:7)
It’s from the same root word which means to act as a gate keeper. That is to say your solution is at the other end of your thought. The way you think determines what you have access to in your life. Creative thinking splits open the door to give you access to your desired goal.
It makes you a winner.
It gets you from where you are to where you want to be.
It is the secret of exemplary leaders.
 It is activating the divine nature in us. We are made in God’s image, after his likeness.
Mary Lou Cook Says that Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, having fun.
There are three aspects of the spirit: conscience, communion and intuition. There are five major aspects of the soul or mind: memory, imagination, emotion, intellect and will.
Creativity is harnessing the power of imagination combined with the mystery power of intuition which knows things beyond the realm of human understanding. We sometimes refer to this as perception, word of knowledge and word of wisdom combined. Information from the spirit realm (God’s) is usually more accurate than any other source.
John Maxwell said that Creative thinking can be stimulated by two things; intensely desired goals and pressing problems. Your creative capacities need something to hone in on and your job is to provide it.
7.  Things that will help you to be more creative
1.    Define your goal on paper as it would be when fully realised.
2.    Take the limits off.
3.    Constantly confess that you have the mind of Christ and that your mind is anointed and blessed.
4.    Pray especially in tongues: it is a major secret of solving mysteries and accessing hidden solutions.
5.    Make consultations. Read books. Consult a mentor.
6. Write down as many possible ways as you can imagine on how to get the problem solved; don’t consider any to be foolish.
7. Act on one immediately.
Taking The Limits Off
From what we now understand the thought process to mean, it is clear that if the mind is closed, you cannot access your answers. Some thoughts limit you and must be taken off.
Let me talk briefly about taking the limits off. In Judges 6:11-16, we read the account of Gideon’s first encounter with God and how God referred to him as a mighty man of valour. That conversation revealed his opinion of himself and the limits he had placed on his life.
Gideon was not limited by the oppression of the Midianites; he was limited by his beliefs about himself and his family. Gideon had a loser’s mentality. People with a loser’s mentality feel inadequate. They say things like I’m ugly, I’m a loser. Nothing good can come out of me. I don’t have what it takes. They live in shame and depression. These people have no drive or they have low drive. They exhibit low self-confidence. This is a disempowering mentality. It is not what people believe about you that matters but what you believe about yourself. Stop labelling yourself negatively! Peel off that label now!
Limits are self-imposed! Throughout your life, you have trained your mind to believe in limitations. Throughout your life, you have been trained by a parent or parents to believe in limitations. For example, you have difficulties with money, maybe your parents used to say phrases such as
• “Money is hard to earn”
• “Money doesn’t grow on trees” or
• I cannot afford this”
Ten spies Moses sent to the Promised Land believed they were grasshoppers and not God’s chosen race of a special people (Numbers 13:33). They forgot the God factor.  They forgot they were not alone. They forgot the miracles of the past.
To be creative, you must take the limits off.
7 Ways to take the limits off
1.    Modify your beliefs. Your beliefs create your reality. When you make positive changes in your belief system, a corresponding positive change will take place in your level of achievement and level of fulfilment. Before we started the Ministry, the Lord told me two things not to believe:
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you know and understand what you have been given in Christ. 1Corintians 2:12, “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.”
2. Dream big; very big! The cure for littleness is great dreams. As a man thinks in his heart so is he (Proverbs 23:7). Disregard your limits. Think of what you thought you couldn’t do that you have accomplished. “Instead of giving myself reasons why I can’t, I give myself reasons why I can.” Change your ‘I can’t’ to ‘I can’
3.    Expect to win. Raise your expectation. There are people who do not expect to win. I heard someone say, “Blessed are they who don’t expect to win for they shall not be disappointed.” Expect to win but if you fail, pick yourself up and continue. Believe in yourself! Have faith in your God-given abilities. At any given moment, the choices you see as possible are directly related to what you believe you can achieve. If you lack a strong belief in your own abilities and envision yourself achieving merely limited success, your mind can only access those answers which correspond to this limited vision. So, elevate your concept of what’s possible for you — you’ll become aware of far greater opportunities.
4. Ask the help of the Holy Spirit in everything you do. Know that you are not alone and that the Holy Spirit lives in you. He is in you to will and to do (Philippians 2:13). Know that you can do all things through the power of God. You are not operating in your own strength any more. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13).
Bishop-elect (Dr.) Charles Olowojoba is the President of Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l and Bishop-Elect of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide, e-mail: [email protected]
website: dayspringcmi.org

5. Relate with people who have empires in their head. Stay away from negative people and associate more with positive people. When Mary became pregnant, she went and spent some time with Elizabeth who was pregnant with John the Baptist. Only a pregnant woman knows what another pregnant woman is going through. There are fire-fighters and fire-lighters. Move away from fire fighters; they will quench the fire in you.
6.    Change your confession about yourself. Understand the law of the mind. Your mind needs constant instruction. God gave you your mouth to give your mind instruction. Your mind needs constant conversation. My role is to prophesy to my day. You are a mighty man of valour! You are a giant killer. You are not a grasshopper!
7.    Employ the power of sacrifice. Understand that your seed is your power over your future. I’m talking about the sacrifice of time, treasures, energy, etc.

But God is about to make all grace abound towards you. God is saying to you, ‘take the limits off.’
You are moving from a weak, dejected and frustrated person with no confidence to a courageous and powerful leader.
You are rising to a place of prominence.
God is moving you from the back bench to the front row. You are moving from obscurity to the limelight.
I see you stepping out of the shadows of failure and defeat into the corridors of power.
You are coming out of the relegation zone.
I see you stepping out of the shadows of poverty into enviable wealth.
Like Joseph, you are moving out of containment and limitation into liberty, power, authority, wealth and fame.
Bishop-elect (Dr.) Charles Olowojoba is the President of Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l and Bishop-Elect of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide
e-mail: [email protected]
website: dayspringcmi.org