Unearthing it’s true essence

‘Haba Bint,’ Tahir said with ill-concealed anger ‘every Muslim woman is at this particular hour either preparing iftar meal or sharing it or is engaged in worthwhile zikr (remembrance of Allah through supplications) because this is an auspicious moment; but you are here fiddling with your phone? What has gotten into you?’ He demanded. ‘It’s […]

Unearthing it’s true essence

‘Haba Bint,’ Tahir said with ill-concealed anger ‘every Muslim woman is at this particular hour either preparing iftar meal or sharing it or is engaged in worthwhile zikr (remembrance of Allah through supplications) because this is an auspicious moment; but you are here fiddling with your phone? What has gotten into you?’ He demanded.

‘It’s not what you think Hubby dear. For one, iftar meal is already taken care of. I’ll be sharing it in a few minutes. What I’m doing is also worthwhile in the month we are in. I’m trying to share a sermon by our learned brother Imam Murtadha Gusau, on the true essence of the fast. I feel it’s necessary became so many of us lay emphasis on the feeding and other side attractions of the season, without paying attention to what the worship is all about. This article aims at letting us unearth it’s true meaning. That’s why I find it necessary to share with people on my contact list. Here read it yourself, you’ll see what I mean.’ I urged, offering my phone to him.

‘I see’ Tahir answered, collecting it from me. And he started to read:

“Dear brothers and sisters! Allah describes Ramadan as a prescription; one that cures the soul. In the eleven (11) months outside of Ramadan, we spend time feeding our bodies but tend to neglect and starve our souls. But in Ramadan, its the exact opposite, we starve our bodies, only to feed and replenish our souls. So revive your souls!

Dear brothers and sisters! Ramadan is truly a gift, a blessing from Allah to the believers, during which the doors of Jannah (Paradise) are open, while the doors of Jahannam (Hellfire) are closed. Ramadan especially gives us the opportunity to renew ourselves, recharge our Iman (faith), purify our hearts, and set our goals and priorities – to improve and excel In shaa Allah. In case our minds and hearts become distracted, Ramadan is the time for us to redirect our focus to the Akhirah (Hereafter), and to join the race for Jannah.

As Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah said, the most beloved son of the twelve (12) sons of Prophet Ya’qub was Prophet Yusuf. Likewise, Ramadan is the most beloved month of Allah. The eleven (11) sons of Prophet Ya’qub were forgiven because of the Du’a (prayer) of one of them, namely Prophet Yusuf. Likewise, the sins of the eleven (11) months are forgiven by the blessings of Ramadan.

Respected brothers and sisters! A lot of people don’t know about their fard, their obligations (Salah, Zakah etc) throughout the year, but at least in Ramadan most people will try. With the fulfilment of fard in Ramadan, make Du’a to Allah, ask Him ‘Ya Allah grant me the ability to fulfill these obligations throughout the year. Ya Allah grant me the acceptance to love your commands, and to hate your prohibitions and make them ugly in my sight so that I don’t even go near them.’ May Allah grant us that acceptance and may He not make us from among those who only worship Him in Ramadan. Ameen.

Respected servants of Allah! Know that, when the stomach is empty and the hands are raised, the answer to your prayers is imminent. Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri reported in a marfu’ Hadith that:

“Allah ransoms people every day and night (i.e., in Ramadan) and every day and night the Muslim has a prayer that is answered.” [Narrated by Imam al-Bazzar, and authenticated by as-Shaykh al-Albani in Sahih al-Targhib wat-Tarhib]

My beloved people! We are facing the blessed month of Ramadan and many of us are unfortunately still only warming up in our worship and righteous acts. A common excuse for this is that due to the long hours of fasting in the heat, coupled with having to go to work and look after one’s family, it is difficult to strive towards supplementary voluntary acts of worship beyond the tarawih prayers. The mantra of ‘I am tired’ is probably the most frequent form of Zikr on the tongues of many Muslims today.

As a way of motivating us to hasten towards ihsan (excellence) in our worship so that we get the best out of Ramadan, rather than the bare minimum, it is worth pondering on the following Prophetic Hadith:

It was narrated that Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ascended the minbar and said:

“Ameen, ameen, ameen.” It was said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, you ascended the Minbar and said, ‘Ameen, ameen, ameen.” He said: “Yes, Jibril (Peace be upon him) came to me and said: ‘If Ramadan comes and a person is not forgiven, he will enter Hell and Allah will cast him far away. Say Ameen.’ So I said Ameen. He said: ‘O Muhammad, if both or one of a person’s parents are alive and he does not honour them and he dies, he will enter Hell and Allah will cast him far away. Say Ameen.’ So I said Ameen. He said: ‘If you (Prophet Muhammad) are mentioned in a person’s presence and he does not send blessings upon you and he dies, he will enter Hell and Allah will cast him far away. Say Ameen.’ So I said Ameen.”

Although there are three supplications being made in this Hadith it is only the first which is the focus of this sermon. Before studying the content of the supplication itself, let us examine the circumstances surrounding the supplication.

Firstly, who is making the supplication? None other than the Archangel Jibril (Peace be upon him), the greatest and most honourable of all the angels, who has a high rank with Allah and the one whom Allah chose to entrust with revelation revealed to His Prophets.

Secondly, who is saying ameen? The Noble Messenger Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) – the last Prophet, the Imam of the Messengers, and the one who will intercede with Allah on the Day of Resurrection. In short, the best of creation.

Thirdly, what is ‘ameen’? It itself is a supplication calling upon Allah to answer what has been requested.

Fourthly, where is the supplication being made? On the Minbar of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in his Mosque in Madinah, the second holiest place in the world after Makkah.

In light of the above four points, it is clear that whatever supplication is being made here is of significant importance. How powerful a supplication must it be if it is uttered by Jibril (Peace be upon him) on the Minbar of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who is himself asking Allah to accept the supplication? Knowing the above, we would be foolish to ignore a supplication of such magnitude.

In this Hadith, Jibril (Peace be upon him) is essentially supplicating against someone who witnesses Ramadan but is not forgiven in it. So severe is such a failing according to Jibril (Peace be upon him) that such a person should be thrown into the Hellfire and distanced from Allah’s infinite mercy. Note that the Du’a does not mention the sins of this individual, but speaks of them in a general sense such that it is applicable to all – those with many major sins as well as those with few minor ones. Yet, the Du’a is mercilessly calling for such a person to be thrown into the Hellfire and distanced from Allah’s mercy which envelopes all things.

The reason for this is that anyone who fails to be forgiven in the month of Ramadan must indeed be a wretched individual. For this is the month in which the shaitan are chained up, and the month in which the gates of Paradise are opened and people emancipated from the Fire nightly. It is a month therefore in which Allah facilitates us to do good deeds and to avoid committing sins. If this is not enough, Allah motivates us further by promising to multiply the reward for our deeds.

On the last day of Sha’aban, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) gave a sermon and said:

“O people! A great and blessed month has approached you, a month containing a night better than a thousand months. Allah has made fasting in its days an obligation and prayer in its nights a (recommended) voluntary act. Anyone who seeks nearness to Allah in this month through any virtuous act will be like one who carried out an obligatory act at another time (outside of Ramadan), and whoever performs an obligatory act in this month will be like one who performed seventy such acts at another time. It is the month of patience, and the reward for patience is Paradise. It is the month of equality, the month in which the wealth of the believer is increased.”

It is a time when the Mosques are overflowing with worshippers, when entire families who may not offer prayers during the rest of the year, pray obligatory and voluntary prayers in the Mosque, when all around you, believers are completing a recitation of the Qur’an, when purses are being emptied to give charity in the way of Allah, and when the tongues are restrained. Indeed it is a time when the believers are united in worshipping Allah. If in such a month someone is unable to obtain Allah’s forgiveness, then wretched indeed is he, and thus, deserving of Allah’s punishment as supplicated for by Archangel Jibril (Peace be upon him) and the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

Dear brothers and sisters! We must not be self-satisfied and think that just because we are fasting, we will be forgiven. Only the foolish would remain content with their actions and gamble with their destiny in such a fashion. Instead, we must remember the Du’a of Jibril (Peace be upon him) and use these precious few days of this blessed month to hasten to good deeds and righteous actions and actively strive for Allah’s forgiveness and mercy so that we can abide in the Gardens of Paradise forever.

* Ways to make prayer (Du’a) in Ramadan

Dear brothers and sisters! As we all know, Ramadan is a great time to spiritually recharge! It’s also a great time to make Du’a (prayer).

Every year for the past twenty (20) years I’ve made a Du’a list. At the start of Ramadan I write down a list of things that I want the most and I memorise them. I make Du’a for each item on the list every day of Ramadan at the times that Du’a are more likely to be accepted. I can personally tell you wallahi that it does wonders. Honestly, things I’ve asked for persistently and I did not think would, have come true.

I would highly recommend making a personal Du’a list of your own! As an incentive, our Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“Allah is angry with those who do not ask (pray) Him for anything.” [Tirmidhi]